I work with the phenomenon of encounter.
I explore how the inner turns into the outer, the one meets the other and the singular faces the manifold.
I want to witness what takes place in these zones of transition and proximity of bodies. Do they get entangled, dream of each other or seal themselves off?
I form bonds with materialities. I let myself be attracted by them wherever they show up, be it on my plate, at the hardware store or in a dream.
I follow the promise of their corporealities like the inky blackness of bitumen, the velvetiness of alabaster or the meatiness of rise paper.
I surround myself with them and their way of being. They tend to become too heavy, too brittle, too hot or too smelly for me to handle. I spend a lot of time letting them slip through my fingers and evade me.
It is in the intimacy of these tilting moments, they let me in on their secrets. Here, I can sense the fleeting side of stone, the stability of glas and the sculptural in the liquid.
This is where I anchor my works.