Anna Kramer 

Coming up

Group show "Lupenrein" of the BBK Leipzig 
opening on 24.10.2024, Tapetenwerk Leipzig, 4D Projektort


Sommerausstellung 2024 at Schlossmuseum Linz
10.07. - 15.09.2024, Opening 09.07. at 7pm
amongst the works of a number of Upper Austrian artists, one work of my series Horizons Are My Fur was part of this group show in the beautiful castle in Linz in Upper Austria

Duo- Exhibition with Maria Sophie Biehl 25. - 27.07.2024
Galerie Paul Scherzer , Halle

Open Studios  25. - 26.05.2024 
During the  Tour de Franz, all four studio houses of the Franz-Flemming-Str. opened their doors. 
I celebrated the soft book launch of my poetry book in my studio, showed an installation on the meadow outside and presented my work in an artist Speed Talk. 

Duo show with Maria Sophie Biehl at DOTS art gallery in Leipzig, 15.03.-19.04.2024
I've seen you in the weeds of my skin
curated by Caterina Fondelli  

“It is a joy to be hidden, and a disaster not to be found.” - Donald Winnicott 
"One cold winter's day, a number of porcupines huddled together quite closely in order through their mutual warmth to prevent themselves from being frozen. But they soon felt the effect of their quills on one another, which made them again move apart. Now when the need for warmth once more brought them together, the drawback of the quills was repeated so that they were tossed between two evils, until they had discovered the proper distance from which they could best tolerate one another. Thus the need for society which springs from the emptiness and monotony of men's lives, drives them together; but their many unpleasant and repulsive qualities and insufferable drawbacks once more drive them apart. The mean distance which they finally discover, and which enables them to endure being together, is politeness and good manners. Whoever does not keep to this, is told in England to ‘keep his distance’. By virtue thereof, it is true that the need for mutual warmth will be only imperfectly satisfied, but on the other hand, the prick of the quills will not be felt. Yet whoever has a great deal of internal warmth of his own will prefer to keep away from society in order to avoid giving or receiving trouble or annoyance.” - Arthur Schopenhauer (1851).
Encounters, the many kinds that exist, their histories and sources, together with their aftermaths, are deeply narrated and addressed in the project “I’ve seen you in the weeds of my skin”.
Matters, textures, bodies, minds, intertwine. The linking experience teaches the concept of distance. How much should the bond be tightened? What is going to derive from diverse approaches? What are defined as “moments of meeting” are pivotal in an existence and have a profound impact. The two voices of the artists try to narrate, through a delicate choreography of overlaps, the possibilities derived from a connection. By a slow and natural blending of their practices in the space, where portions of an artwork hit the surface of the others’, the boundaries are blurred. Thus still aware of individualities, the magic of the encounter is performed. The environment created, with its site-specific atmosphere, together with the works selected, stimulate multiple inquiries. The origins of an encounter, the several circumstances that lead to it, are for instance a truly interesting point. Furthermore, a natural and subsequent query will play around a possibility. What if the encounter wouldn’t take place? The disaster. The void. The loss. All at once, what in case one of the most important facts of the existential experience won’t happen. Or could there be any positive outcomes? The answers may come silently, but powerfully, through this show. Immediately or slowly. Adapting to the everyone who contemplates it, as the artworks find a way to combine, sometimes by fusing, sometimes by keeping their single space. By incessantly attempting to find a ‘right’ balance." Caterina Fondelli